Privacy regulations
As a visitor of CEBP website you are entitled to the most comprehensive protection, including of your personal data.
This general privacy statement (below, ‘the Privacy Statement’) aims to provide you with complete information on the subject. It explains how we collect, use and store your personal data.
We invite you to take the time to read this Privacy Statement to familiarise yourself with our practices in that regard. You will also find information on the website of the Data Protection Authority. To do so, please follow this link:
Until 24/05/2018, the law of 08/12/1992 on the protection of privacy in relation to the processing of personal data and its implementing decrees constitute the applicable privacy legislation. From 25/05/2018, it has been replaced by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

  1. What is the scope of this Privacy Statement

A. What does ‘personal data’, ‘processing’ and who is ‘controller’ mean?
A personal data is any information about an identified or identifiable natural person. It can be, for example, a person’s name, a photograph, a telephone number, a code, a password, a contract number, an e-mail address.
Processing is any operation concerning a personal data. Processing includes, inter alia, all aspects related to the collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, updating or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, blocking, erasure or destruction of that data.
Name company
, is the controller of your personal data in its possession. This means that we determine for what purposes and by what means those data are processed and that we are your point of contact and that of the supervisory authorities for all questions relating to the use of your data.
Your questions concerning your personal data can be addressed to us by post at the above address or via the e-mail address

B. For whom is the privacy notice intended?
CEBP processes personal data of clients, partners and network contacts in the context of its services.
We request this data ourselves from the person concerned or receive the data – obviously in accordance with the Privacy Act – from authorities, partners, network contacts.

C. To which data does this privacy statement relate?
a. Non-special categories of personal data
The data in this category are the personal data that concern you, i.e. the data that make it possible to identify you, either directly (the data such as your name and first name, which allow you to be immediately identified) or indirectly (the data such as your VAT number or your telephone number).
During our contacts with you, we may need to collect different personal data according to the types of services concerned:

  • identification data (for example: name, first name, address, …);
  • contact data (for example: address, e-mail address, telephone, …);
  • global financial overview (for example: your immovable property, …);
  • profession (for example: position held, education, …);
  • family composition (e.g. marital status, number of children, etc.);

In some cases, the personal data relate not only to yourself but also to one or more of your relations (for example: your children, your partner, a supplier or a customer…). If you communicate to us personal data of other persons, you should inform them of this.
b. Special categories of personal data
Personal data that enjoy special protection can be found in the ‘special categories’. Specifically, these are personal data relating to racial and ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or trade union membership, as well as genetic data, biometric data to uniquely identify a natural person, data relating to a natural person’s health, sexuality or sexual orientation.
In practice, CEBP will not process personal data of such nature.
c. Data relating to criminal convictions and offences
CEBP does not process personal data of such nature.

2. When and how are your personal data collected?
CEBP may collect some of your data inter alia:

  • when you become a member;
  • when you complete the forms and contracts we submit to you;
  • when you use our services and products;
  • when you subscribe to our newsletter, accept our invitations (conferences, …), participate in competitions, …;
  • when you contact us through the various channels made available to you;
  • when you are filmed by our surveillance cameras in and around our buildings. These images are stored solely for the purpose of ensuring the security of goods and persons and to prevent abuse, fraud and other infringements that our customers and we ourselves could fall victim to (their presence is indicated by pictograms showing our contact details).
  • when you communicate data while using our websites (including our pages on social media) and our mobile applications, for example: when you communicate data to us while subscribing to the CEBP newsletter;

When you visit one of our websites or use one of our mobile apps via the cookies and other technologies (more information on cookies can be found in our Cookie Policy at (via the ‘Cookie Policy’ button at the bottom of the page)).
When we ask you for personal data, you have the right not to do so. However, such refusal could prevent the establishment of contractual relations, change their nature or affect their management.

3. On what basis and for what purposes may your data be processed?
….. processes your data for various purposes
We process your personal data for various purposes. For each processing, only the data pertinent to achieving the intended purpose are processed. As a general rule and by way of example, we use your personal data either:

  • When we have obtained your consent. In this case, we process your personal data for the specific purposes for which you have given your consent;
  • In the context of contract performance or to take pre-contractual measures at your request: For example, we process your data for the following purposes:
    • analysis regarding the appropriateness of concluding a service agreement and/or the conditions to be attached to the conclusion of a service agreement;
    • retention of your preferences: whether and how CEBP may contact you to provide you with information, publicity or proposals;
    • performance of a service you have requested, for example by communicating your details to us online yourself in order to subscribe to the newsletter, submit your application or request an insurance quote. In this case, we process the data you provide in order to send you the newsletter, process your application or contact you following a contact via the website.
  • to comply with all legal, regulatory and administrative obligations to which we are subject, such as:
    • prevention of money laundering;
    • tax obligations of CEBP
  • for reasons relating to our legitimate interest.

In such cases, we strive to maintain a fair balance between our legitimate interest and respecting your privacy. These are situations where we process your personal data in order to function as well as possible and provide you with the best service. For example, we process your data for the following purposes:

  • detection and prevention of abuse and fraud;
  • protection of the company’s assets;
  • security of goods and persons, as well as of the computer networks and systems of CEBP;
  • reporting of all abuses that (may) seriously damage the financial condition, results and/or reputation of CEBP
  • monitoring and control;
  • establishing, exercising, defending and protecting our rights or those we may represent, for example in the event of litigation; ∫ compilation of evidence;
  • overall view of customers (e.g. compiling statistics on our customers to know who our customers are and to know them better);
  • monitoring of our activities and administrative knowledge of the various people in relation to the company,
  • test, evaluate, simplify, optimise and/or automate the internal processes of ……. to make them more efficient
  • testing, evaluating, simplifying and optimising online systems to improve your user experience (for example: resolving bugs on our websites and mobile apps, contacting you to resolve technical issues if we have found that you have started filling in your details online to enjoy a particular service but have not been able to complete this process, …)
  • development of new products and services by CEBP that we know will meet your needs and desires even better.

4. How do we protect your data?
Access to your personal data is allowed only to those persons who need it to perform their duties. They must observe strict confidentiality and comply with all technical and organisational rules for ensuring the confidentiality of personal data.
We have provided technical resources and specialised partners dedicated primarily to the protection of your personal data. In this way, we aim to prevent unauthorised persons from accessing, processing, modifying or destroying data.
Our Internet site and/or social media channels may sometimes contain links to third-party sites (social media, organisers of events we sponsor, etc.) whose conditions of use fall neither within the scope of this Privacy Statement nor our responsibility. We therefore recommend that you read their privacy statement carefully to find out how they protect your privacy.

5. Who has access to your data and to whom are they disclosed?
A. General
To protect your privacy, the persons who will have access to your data will be carefully selected on the basis of their duties.
Those data will, where appropriate, be able to be communicated to a processor.
The processors of CEBP are specialised partners in Belgium or abroad on whom we rely for certain services in order to provide you with the best service. These processors are contractually bound to us and must therefore follow our instructions and observe the principles set out in our Privacy Statement. CEBP in particular ensures that those processors:

  • only have access to the data they need to perform their tasks; and
  • undertake towards CEBP on the one hand, to process that data in a secure and confidential manner and, on the other, to use it only for the performance of their tasks.

We also communicate your data to other persons if we are contractually or legally obliged to do so or if a legitimate interest so warrants. In this case, we ensure that:

  • these persons only have the data that we are contractually or legally obliged to communicate or that are provided on the basis of a legitimate interest that justifies the data transfer; and
  • these persons undertake to CEBP to process such data in a secure and confidential manner and to use it only for the purpose for which it was provided to them.

Your data may also be visible to the employees of members of the group other than those with whom you are a customer. We assure you that each member of CEBP meets the same high quality requirements and is therefore subject to the same privacy procedures.
B. No data transfer for commercial use
As the fiduciary for your company, we do not communicate your data to third parties for commercial use
C. Data transfers outside the European Economic Area (EEA)
It is possible that ……. transfers your data outside the European Economic Area (EEA), to a country which, if applicable, cannot guarantee an adequate level of protection for personal data.
In these cases, however, CEBP protects your data by increasing IT security and by contractually requiring an increased level of security from its international counterparties.

6. What are your rights and how can you exercise them?

  1. Right of access

You have a right to access the data that concerns you. You can ask us:

  • whether or not we process personal data about you;
  • for what purposes we process them;
  • which categories of personal data are processed;
  • with which categories of recipients we share your data;
  • for how long they will be kept;
  • information about your rights that you can exercise (rectification, erasure, etc.) or about the possibility of filing a complaint with the Privacy Protection Authority;
  • what is the origin of the data processed;
  • what is the logic underlying the automated processing of certain of your personal data.
  1. Right to rectification

If you find that, despite all our efforts, your data is incorrect or incomplete, you can ask us to rectify it

  1. Right to data erasure(‘right to oblivion’)

In well-defined cases, legislation gives you the option to have your personal data erased. This is the case, inter alia, when:

  • the data are no longer needed for the purposes for which we collected them;
  • the processing of your data is based solely on your consent and you decide to withdraw it;
  • you have objected to the processing of your data and there are no legitimate grounds on our side that outweigh yours;
  • you gave your consent when you were a minor and now wish to withdraw it because you have become aware of the risks involved in processing your data.

However, your right to oblivion is not absolute. We have the right to continue to retain your data when necessary for, inter alia:

  • compliance with a legal obligation;
  • the establishment, exercise or substantiation of a legal claim.
  1. Right to restrict processing

In well-defined cases, you can ask to restrict the processing of your personal data. This is the case, inter alia, when:

  • you dispute the accuracy of a personal data, for the period we need to verify that accuracy; and
  • your data are no longer necessary to achieve the purposes of the processing, but you need them for the establishment, exercise or support of a legal claim.

The restriction on processing ends in the following circumstances:
you have given your consent;

  • the processing of your data is necessary to establish, exercise or support a legal claim;
  • the processing is necessary to protect the rights of another natural or legal person;
  • the processing is necessary for reasons of public interest.
  1. Right to portability

In certain cases, you have the right that the personal data you have provided to us:

  • be transferred to you; or
  • by CEBP transferred directly to another controller, provided that this is technically possible.

This is the case when:

  • you have consented to the processing of your data or the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract and
  • when the processing is automated.
  1. Right of objection
  2. General

Where the processing of your personal data is based on a legitimate or general interest on our side, you have the right to object to it at any time for reasons relating to your particular situation.
However, your request will not be taken into account if our legitimate interest outweighs yours or if the processing of your data remains necessary to initiate, exercise or substantiate a legal claim.

  1. In the context of prospecting

You always have the right to object, at any time and free of charge, to the processing of your personal data in the context of prospecting, and CEBP cannot invoke any exception.
This includes the right to object to profiling insofar as it relates to prospecting.

  1. Right not to be subject to a decision that is based solely on automated processing, including profiling, and may produce legal effects concerning you or may have a substantially similar impact on you

CEBP guarantees that you will not be subject to a decision that is based solely on automated processing, including profiling, and may produce legal effects concerning you or may have a significant similar impact on you.
Indeed, CEBP believes that the best service for you consists in an individual approach to each case. Therefore, CEBP always ensures significant human intervention and/or guarantees that any profiling will not trigger legal consequences that relate to you or have a significant and similar impact on you.
In other cases, we guarantee that any such decision is:

  • is necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract between you and us;
  • is based on your explicit consent; or
  • is permitted by law.

In the first two cases, you always have the right to request the intervention of one of our employees, communicate your point of view and challenge the decision. In the three cases, you will always be informed that you are the subject of such a decision, as well as the logic behind such a decision, what it means and the expected consequences.

  • Right to withdraw your consent

Where the processing by CEBP is based on your consent, you may at any time object to

  • the processing of data for the purposes mentioned above and
  • the processing of personal data concerning your health.

In that case, CEBP might find itself unable to fulfil that purpose and/or to comply with your request for an intervention. Such withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of the processing of your personal data carried out during the period prior to the withdrawal of your consent.

  1. Who can you turn to?

To exercise your rights, simply send a dated and signed request together with a two-sided copy of your identity card by e-mail to:
If you believe that the processing of your personal data violates the privacy legislation, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority, which has the following contact details:
Data Protection Authority
Press Street 35
1000 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 274 48 00

7. How long do we keep your data?
CEBP only uses your personal data if, and for as long as, it has a purpose. Once all purposes have been fulfilled, this data will be deleted.
This means that processed data will be retained for the entire duration of our assignment, the statutory limitation period as well as any other retention period that would be imposed by applicable laws and regulations.

8. Our cookie policy
If you browse to one of our internet sites or use one of our mobile apps, you can choose whether or not to accept our cookies, as well as any other technological means that collect data and information about your browsing behaviour. For more information, please consult our cookie policy at (via the ‘Cookie Statement’ button at the bottom of the page).

9. How do you stay informed of changes to this Privacy Statement?
In a changing world where technology also never stands still, this Privacy Statement may undergo changes. We invite you to consult the most recent version of this Privacy Statement online and we will keep you informed of any changes via the internet site of (via a banner) and possibly via other usual communication channels.

Cookie Statement ……

This Cookie Statement describes which cookies ……. uses on the website and what these cookies are used for.

Why does ……. cookies?

  • To ensure that the website works properly and that you have an optimal user experience.
  • To understand the number of visitors visiting our site and the pages they view.
  • To make it possible to integrate social media on the website.
  • To generate advertisements tailored to your needs.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a simple small file sent with pages of this website and stored by the browser on your computer’s hard drive. The information stored therein can be sent back to our servers during your next visit.

Use of permanent cookies

Permanent cookies allow us to recognise you when you visit our website again. As a result, the website can be set specifically to your preferences. Even if you have given permission for cookies to be placed, we can remember this by means of a cookie. This saves you having to keep repeating your preferences, thus saving you time and making our website more enjoyable to use. You can delete permanent cookies via your browser settings.

Use of session cookies

A session cookie allows us to see which parts of the website you have viewed during this visit. This allows us to adapt our service as much as possible to the browsing behaviour of our visitors. These cookies are automatically deleted as soon as you close your web browser.

Google Analytics

Through our website, a cookie is placed by the company Google, as part of the ‘Analytics’ service. We use this service to track and receive reports on how visitors use the website. Google may provide this information to third parties if Google is legally required to do so, or insofar as third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. We have no influence on this. We have not allowed Google to use the obtained analytics information for other Google services.

The information collected by Google is anonymised as much as possible. Your IP address is expressly not provided. The information is transferred to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google states that it adheres to the Safe Harbor principles and is affiliated with the Safe Harbor programme of the US Department of Commerce. This implies an adequate level of protection for the processing of any personal data.

Right to access and correct or delete your data

You have the right to request access to and correction or deletion of your data. You can send your request using the contact form below. To prevent misuse, we may ask you to identify yourself adequately when doing so. When it comes to access to personal data linked to a cookie, you should send a copy of the cookie in question. You can find this in the settings of your browser.

Turning cookies on and off and deleting them

More information about enabling, disabling and deleting cookies can be found in the instructions and/or by using the help function of your browser.

More information about cookies?

You can find more information about cookies on the following websites:


On the website of CEBP personal data are collected in various places that were voluntarily provided by you via our website or e-mail. By providing your personal data, you give CEBP the express and unambiguous permission to process these data. This personal data will be included in the files of CEBP and will not be passed on to third parties.
The information will be used to provide and/or deliver the information or publications requested by you creates log files of the use of its website on the basis of which statistics are generated for the purpose of an anonymous analysis of this use. CEBP processes only the personal data necessary, where appropriate, for the aforementioned purposes.
You have a right of access and correction with respect to your data, in accordance with legal requirements. You can also have your data deleted. To do so, please contact us at the following e-mail address: If you receive commercial information from us and do not wish to continue receiving it, please indicate this at the above address free of charge. We will then no longer send you information.
CEBP reserves the right to amend this Disclaimer. You can view the latest version at any time via the Disclaimer hyperlink on the website.